Saturday, May 28, 2011

UDL Guidelines

Having worked through the lab for Universal Design for Learning (UDL), I was intrigued by the questions it provoked in my mind.  Where I thought I had created a thoughtful lesson accessible to all learners, there were some areas that required some rethinking and reworking.  However, I also came to understand that many of the ideas I am attempting to teach with my lesson, "The Vicarious Travelers," already have many of the UDL Guidelines built into them.  As I continue with my education, I look forward to applying this knowledge with my classes to enable all students to achieve their best work without compromising standards.

UDL Guidelines – Educator Checklist Version 2

Your notes

Feature: enlarge text and pictures
Barrier: pictures are visual with no captions
Barrier: no text descriptions and/or captions available

Feature: learned about Rome, Italy on our virtual trip

Barrier: inability to read maps, interpret key symbols, and measure distance
Barrier: presented in English with little or no Italian background

Barrier: little background knowledge
Feature: math and social studies cross-curricular
Feature: comparing a foreign destination to a local area

Your notes

Barrier: not all students are proficient with computer research

Barrier: having students present their final presentations in the same format

Feature: learning about Italy and presenting the information
Barrier: need to encourage students to “stop and think” to solve a problem
Barrier: need to provide a checklist of what students will need to “discover”
Feature: provides feedback during the course of the lesson
Your notes

Barrier: provide students with alternative website they may be more familiar with to locate their information
Feature: students will understand how to calculate distance based on what they learned and apply it to where they live
Feature: stretch the lesson into several days with goals for each day so students do not feel overwhelmed

Feature: have students collaborate and share their information with another student for suggestions and feedback
Feature: providing feedback

Barrier: provide a rubric

Barrier: provide students with a chart so they can see their progress

© CAST 2011

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