For our group's storyboard and script, we decided to use Google Documents in order to synchronously edit our work without worrying about emailing incomplete files back and forth and hoping that the final project had all of the elements that we wanted.
With our script, I worked on the rough draft by writing the Introduction, What is a Wiki?, Benefits of Using a Wiki in the Classroom, Possible Drawbacks, and the Conclusion sections. After this initial writing section, I received great input from the rest of my group and moved forward, editing and expanding sections that needed work. The section on How to Create a Wikispace was started upon my return, so I added new content in order to create a step-by-step guide.
In creating our Google Presentation, it was already setup by another Karen. Once I had completed the script, I helped with the final aspects of the presentation, including minor cosmetic changes including minimal text formatting and adding some images.
For our final presentation, Nichole has worked on setting up our wiki with everyone now invited to contribute to it. Karen is working on the final PowerPoint version of our presentation. Tai is completing a Jing tutorial about setup of an account on Julie is doing the narration based on our script. I will continue to edit and tweak the script for our final presentation and edit the final PowerPoint presentation for Karen. Our group has worked very cohesively throughout this project without anyone feeling as if they had to carry a majority of the workload.
Here is a link to our script in Google Documents.
Here is a link to our storyboard in Google Presentations.
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