Friday, May 6, 2011

The Weekend Has Arrived...

Another wild week at East Evergreen is complete.  The students were a little wild today, but I attribute that to the fact that the weather was actually nice today.  It almost hit 60 degrees, so that was great.  We started our last round of DIBELS testing this week, and we're moving through the grade levels at a remarkable clip.  However, I have to admit, the new testing materials we have for our students this year are less mindless much better than the original set.  They are not quite as self-centered.  That is a relief to me.  Only a few second grade students, most of the first grade, and all of the Kindergarten students remain to be tested.  And we still have two weeks!


  1. Why is testing always synonymous with nice weather?

  2. At least I have the "luxury" of working in a room without any windows (or decent ventilation), so the students don't have too many distractions. :-)
